Dustin Garlitz, M.A. (Philosophy), M.L.A.
(CV (long),
CV (short))
"Durkheim's French Neo-Kantian Social
Thought: Epistemology, Sociology of Knowledge, and Morality in
The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life"
"Towards 'the perfection of all culture':
Reflections on the 'B-Deduction' in Kant's Critique of Pure
"Frankfurt School contra Heidegger:
Adorno's Cultural Critique of the Ideology of German
Existentialism in The Jargon of Authenticity"
“Spatial Aesthetics of
Contemporary Music and Urban Culture”
(2009, updated 2012)
“Philosophy of New Jazz:
Reconstructing Adorno”
“Reflections on the Dionysian
Spirit of
Music in Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy"
(2006, updated
“An Overview of Jean Baudrillard
Pierre Bourdieu's Contributions to
Critical and Cultural Theory”
“The Frankfurt School's Neo-Marxian
Critiques of Capitalism and Consumer Culture” (2005)
“Contemporary Contributions to the
Sociology and Philosophy of Culture” (2005)
"Claude Lévi-Strauss: The Structural
Study of Myth (Cultural Theory Presentation)"
Sam Binkley, Ph.D. - Emerson
College (Boston, MA)
Institute for Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies
"Everybody's Life is Like a
Spiral: Narrating Post-Fordism in the Lifestyle Movement
of the 1970s" (2004)
"Kitsch as a Repetitive System: A
Problem for the Theory of Taste Hierarchy"
"Happiness, Positive Psychology
and the Program of Neo-Liberal
Governmentality" (2011)

"Psychological Life as Enterprise:
Social Practice and the Government of Neo-Liberal
Interiority" (2011)
"The Bohemian Habitus: New Social
Theory and Political Consumerism"
"Of Discipline and Civilization: A
Roundtable Discussion on the Legacies of Norbert Elias
and Michel Foucault" with Paddy Dolan, Ph.D.,
Stefanie Ernst, Dr. Phil, and Cas Wouters, Ph.D.
(2010) |
Douglas Kellner, Ph.D. - University of California, Los Angeles
George F. Kneller Philosophy of
Education Chair
Division of Social Sciences & Comparative
Graduate School of Education & Information Studies
Selected Essays on Continental Philosophy
of Culture, Cultural Theory, Cultural Studies, Cultural
Criticism, and Popular Culture (1970s -
"Baudrillard and the Art
Baudrillard (1929-2007) Obituary"
Critique of Mass Culture"
Frankfurt School and British Cultural Studies: The Missed
Adorno and the Dialectics of Mass Culture"
"Cultural Studies and Philosophy:
An Intervention"
"Cultural Studies and Social
Theory: A Critical Intervention"
"Modernity and Its Discontents:
Nietzsche's Critique"
"Reflections on Modernity and
in McLuhan and Baudrillard" (2004)
"The Postmodern Turn in
Philosophy: Theoretical Provocations and Normative
Deficits" with Steven Best, Ph.D.
(2003) |
Antoine Hardy,
- Borough of Manhattan CC (CUNY) NYC
Assistant Professor of
"Even when I’m bragging, I’m
Being Sincere :
Kanye West’s African American Parrhesiate Ethos &
Burkean Tragi-Comic Identification (Unmastered version)"
(2012) |
Selected DJ Spooky Web
"Remixing on the Shoulders of
Giants: To DJ Spooky, Everything's Connected"
CNN 2012.01.28
Syfy Channel Feature
March 2012
Spooky, Matthew Shipp,
William Parker, Guillermo Brown
Film of 2003 Performance
Dutton, Ph.D. - University of Oulu, Finland
Adjunct Professor
of the Anthropology of Religion and Finnish Culture
Philosophy of Anthropology"
José A. Haro,
Ph.D. - Borough of Manhattan CC (CUNY) NYC
Associate Professor of
"'It is Musical?': Nietzschean Aesthetics"
To have your academic
paper that is germane to philosophy of culture considered
for publishing on this Web site contact
Dustin Garlitz
Dustin Garlitz, (Interactive
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2022- All rights reserved by authors
Materials included on this site used with their permission
B. W. Dunst,
, Ph.D. - Westmoreland County CC , PA
Assistant Professor of
The Harbinger of Death"